SEO Location and GEO Location

The world of search is a big one; even if you serve a niche industry, there are hundreds -- or even thousands -- of keywords and topics to choose from, and your choices could make or break your strategy. SEO is something that is constantly evolving and changing. A focus on the formatting of your page can facilitate the crawling for search engines, while it also enhances the readability for your readers. Your content can target any audience, but if it doesn’t sufficiently deliver the information that audience is seeking, you’re out of luck. Stick tothese good practices and you’ll be on your way to free traffic.

Optimize your content around a topic, not around a single keyword

Ensure that your site loads quickly, not just where you're located, but from around the world. For some reason, everyone thinks posting a blog on your own website will magically increase your SEO presence and make your website stronger. If your site uses a lot of imagery, consider adding a Pin It button to allow Pinterest users to easily add images to their boards. For sites with lots of high-quality product, inspirational or instructional images, Pinterest can be a major driver of traffic - especially given that every Pin and Repin of your image includes a link back to your site. By using internal linking strategically, you can boost the ranking of other pages on your website. Say you have a popular page that is ranking highly in Google and receiving a lot of traffic. By strategically placing a link on that page to another on your site that you want to rank, you can pass “authority" to that page. Even though it seems logical, initially, to strive for a ranking using high-traffic keywords and terms, this will most likely result in a lot of frustration and wasted resources. Moreover, the traffic that you will get from a highly competitive keyword, will probably be of poor quality.


The search engines will act rapidly to penalize sites that contain viruses or trojans. Coming up with great content is important to the longevity of any website, but finding the right “hot" keywords to use and implementing them in ways which look natural and read in a fluid fashion is just as important as coming up with a good article, blog post, recipe or other bit of information. If you want people to link to you, make it easy for them. Create HTML ready snippets that people can plug right into their content to link to you, because some linkers in your community might not be too web savvy. I suggest either creating a "Link to Us" page or by using a little JavaScript to generate the HTML at the end of each article or post. SEO in East Yorkshire is here. Recognizing intent will allow you to improve keyword selection decisions and better serve your target audience. By properly using HTML tags, on-page linking, and internal backlinking, you can streamline your site to best serve your customers. By creating relevant content that guides users through the marketing funnel, you can improve sales and generate more interest in your brand.

Attract links, stop chasing links

Gaz Hall, a Freelance SEO Consultant from SEO Hull, commented: "Getting the technical details of search engine-friendly web development correct is important, but once the basics are covered, you must also market your content." The modern user has a very short attention span. If a website takes more than a few seconds to load, she/he is likely to leave. Therefore, it’s really important to make sure that site speed/load time is optimized as much as possible. For years, we’ve viewed off-page SEO as the process of getting more inbound links … whether that be through link exchange deals, paid links, or other link-building schemes. What do all of these tactics have in common today? Google doesn’t like them, and has been known to drop the proverbial hammer-of-SEO-doom on numerous occasions when companies get caught using them. Visual content has become very popular on the internet due to our own ability to process an image faster than any written text. This wins the first impression and it can be very powerful within the context of a page. Link building is also spreadingbrand awareness and capturing referral traffic.

You’ll be able to beat your competitors

A site can never have enough content. There is always an opportunity to create new pieces of content, and the newness – or ‘freshness’ – of content is also one of Google’s ranking signals. Writing is hard enough when you have to write 500 word blog posts. Now imagine writing in-depth articles and guides that stretch to 5,000+ words on a consistent basis. Expect increased conversions, particularly those from visitors who arrived via organic search. Even just a few changes will have a significant impact on your website’s ranking. Don’t forget – it will still take time to see your hard work come to fruition! Local SEO is, inarguably, the best bet for local businesses to grow big.

SEO Makes Dollars & Sense

Adding links and information to a forum signature, for example, is a good way to quickly spread awareness about your website, especially if you post often on a specific forum. One ofthe most common problems that I hear from people looking to learn more about SEO is that they don't know what information to trust. Keyword Research and Implementation isimportant for making any piece of copy shine, especially in the eyes of search engines. There are literally hundreds of factors that contribute to your final rankings. On top of that, it can be hard to determine what kinds of trends Google may associate with your chosen keywords. It’s important to have breadcrumbs on your website. They show users how a page fits into the structure of a site, and allow search engines to determine the site’s structure.